Production system and work cell design

Minimize project risk and maximize system efficiency with specialized toolsets for production system design.

Make faster, more informed decisions at every step from estimation to installation

  • Icon for estimation

    Confidently estimate or bid on projects

    Create up-front concepts with the right level of detail to accurately scope costs and timelines.

  • Icon for using data

    Use insights to improve system performance

    Visualize and evaluate system efficiency early in the process to make more informed design decisions.

  • Icon for design tools

    Design more productively with specialized toolsets

    Build your model faster and with fewer errors using capabilities specific to production system and work cell design projects.

  • Icon for completing project on time

    Handover projects on time and on budget

    Accelerate installation and reduce change orders by flagging potential issues early and planning construction sequences.

Image of e-book titled “Why System Designers Choose Specialized Toolsets”

Factory line design done better

Production system designers need tools that cater to their unique process. Read this e-book to learn about the production system and work cell design capabilities that can help you meet the needs of your customers and deliver high-performing systems quickly.

Software for production system design

Video: Point cloud scanning

Accurately capture as-is state

Use laser scan data to measure, markup, and run clash detections between point clouds of the current state and the proposed design.

Video: Equipment asset library

Build a library of configurable assets

Author configurable equipment assets that can be inserted into system layouts and shared with your internal team or via the cloud.

Video: Production line design layout

Create production line layouts with ease

Use your familiar AutoCAD toolset and then convert 2D layouts into detailed 3D models automatically to inform critical design decisions.

Video: Virtual walk-throughs

Perform virtual walk-throughs

Make it easy for all stakeholders to understand the design intent with virtual walkthroughs of the integrated design and facility.

Video: Clash detection

Spot potential clashes before installation

Analyze your layout for clashes and space constraints to help identify potential problems that could occur during installation.

Video: Installation documentation

Create installation documentation

Quickly generate installation drawings of your production system design, including plan, section, and elevation views.

See related products

How customers design with Autodesk

Aerial view of a Technica International factory packaging system including production and equipment lines

Technica International

Pushing for total transformation

Technica International uses Factory Design Utilities to optimize production lines and equipment layout at customer sites–while cutting design time in half.

“Now our work is much easier because we’re building a library of factories.” –Assaad Hani, Business Analyst, Technica International

Image courtesy of Technica International

Visualize your process

Autodesk partner ProModel can help you model, study, and optimize your production line concept. Learn how you can identify bottlenecks and optimize how many components can be produced in a specified period by using discrete event simulation.

Video: Use ProModel to model, study, and optimize your production line concepts

Let’s talk strategy

As a global leader in the integration of architecture, engineering, construction, product design, and manufacturing processes, Autodesk can help you develop the capabilities needed to achieve your goals.

Reach out today to schedule your business consultation.

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